
These are tender perennials that are originally from South America. They are great for summer flowerbeds, greenhouses or window boxes. They form self-branching mounds that are bushy to cascading, 1 to 2 feet high. Their leaves are ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 4 to 5 inches long. The trumpet-shaped flowers may be single or double, 2 to 5 inches across. They come in all shades and may be edged, striped, or starred with a contrasting color. Some are sweet smelling.

Pot Cultivation

Petunias love the sun and will not thrive in too much shade. They will flourish better in well drained, light soil rather than clayey ground because they love warmth. Even though Petunias are tender perennials, they are usually treated as annuals and raised from seed yearly.


Seeds may be started indoors at a 70-degree temperature, 8 to 12 weeks before frost-free weather. Plant the seeds in flats filled with finely sifted soil consisting of loam, peat moss or leaf mold and sand; lightly cover them with soil. The seeds need light to sprout, so don't cover them. The soil should always be moist, but not too much or else they will damp off. When transplanting or thinning seedlings of the double flowered kinds, don't discard the smaller and weaker looking seedlings. The reason is because those seedlings that are smaller usually produce the double flowers and those that are larger usually produce single flowers. Seeds may also be sown outdoors in the fall, in mild climates. Special varieties of Petunias may be increased by cuttings, which are taken in August and inserted in a cold frame or under a bell jar outside. If it is kept closed and shaded for a few weeks, they will soon root. When they've developed a healthy root system, pot them individually in small pots. They will grow in these during the winter. In February, they are repotted in 5-inch pots filled with the compost described previously and eventually are transferred to 7- or 8-inch pots. If desired, they may remain in these size pots or planted outside. Pinch the tips of the shoots once in a while during the spring and early summer to encourage bushiness, which in turn, produces more flowers.


Seeds of Petunias are sold in mixture as well as in separate colors. 

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